Museum of the Second World War
Gdańsk, Plac Władysława Bartoszewski 1
October 2016 – February 2017
Execution and delivery of 134 items of exhibition and multimedia accessories; delivery and assembly of 38 monitors and 17 touch pads.
The Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk is the largest historical museum in Poland, its main exhibition occupies an area of almost 5,000m2. The exhibition, containing approximately 2,000 exhibits and 240 multimedia stations. It is located on the lowest level of the building, 14 meters underground. Visitors can use these positions to view archival photographs and films, view witnesses’ accounts of those events, get acquainted with interactive maps presenting military encounters and changes in national borders during World War II.
Videofonika was one of the main subcontractors responsible for the execution and assembly of most multimedia stations. Among 134 exhibition items there are among others, elements of rusted steel covered with patina in a controlled manner, wood stylized in the style of the era, covered by our carpenters with special polishes and materials imitating the effect of destruction. The whole structure together with numerous multimedia and authentic exhibits of people who survived this time creates a moving picture of World War II.